The Human Kindness Movement Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization focused on helping people in need.

Donations are tax-deductible.
100% goes to the mission.
I'm not taking a paycheck.

Thank you for your donation!

profile picture

Hi, I'm Jay. I started a grassroots nonprofit to re-humanize the homeless and crowd source to help as many people as possible.

My goal is to grow this organization and scale a multitude of human services in cities across the U.S.A.

Non-tax-deductible support

link to cashapp
picture of fundraiser recipient
picture of fundraiser recipient
picture of fundraiser recipient
picture of fundraiser recipient
picture of merchandise for sale
Giving Good Coffee Co. Kickstarter image showing three bags of their ground coffee.

You are the lifeblood of this organization. I can't thank you enough in words for your support.

You're part of this now.